Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Morning!

Sssshhhhh!!!!!  It's 10:15 AM, and the house is completely quiet!  That's the thing about teenagers; they sleep in and give Santa a break.  However, due to the fact that I have to "clock in" at my desk at noon, present time has to wait until 6:00 PM!  That's the breaks.  You snooze, you lose --- just a few hours though.  

We had a great Christmas Eve with friends who come by each year.  The house was cozy and warm.  Now, though, it is raining cats and dogs!  In six hours, the road outside is flooded.  However, I'm glad we aren't in the midwest with the snow and blizzards!  If you are there, I hope you and your family are safe and happy together.  Cheers! 

Actually, I hear my peeps coming down the hall .... Show time! 

1 comment:

jacquie said...

merry christmas to you from the center of the blizzard...10 inches so far, still snowing!!